Waiting Years to Get Paid Is a Mistake
If your business is like numerous others out there, you write off debts you are owed from time to time. It may seem like the convenient way out, but in actuality, you are just giving money away. That is no way to operate a business. When you have overdue payments pending, contact your clients right away by sending out a notice letter. Give them a couple weeks for a response, which is a reasonable amount of time. If they do not respond to your conditions and have not met the terms of the deadline, hold them responsible. The best course of action is to take action right away. If you are not getting any results from your initial warning letter, it is a very good time to hire a Canadian collection agency to handle the collection for you. You need to take action within months, not years since commissions are higher on debts that are more than a year old. Study collection agencies before just choosing the first one you see on the web. Read their reviews and testimonials to evalua...